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Different Credit Card Sums


Dear Excel Gurus,

In our account deparment we keep track of all our customer payments they did with their credit cards.

I have list that shows the entire transactions of the payments we have received from our customers credit cards. (please see the attached file)

I want to take the sum value for GROSS and NET (green colored columns) for each credit card with same card number and valor date.

ın other words, example;
-> (At the beginning of excel) the customer made a payment in 3 installments with the credit card number "428220 ** ****5015" with valor date 01.01.2018. The formula should sum the first 3 line for gross and net.
-> The next customer made thier payment in 2 installment with credit card "487074 ** ****7031" on valor date 01.01.2018. The formula should sum that 2 related line and give the sum for GROSS and NET.

I would very appreciate if you can help me on this matter.

Kind regards.

Ahmet Kerestecioglu


  • Credit Card Payment Follow Up.xlsx
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1] Remove your formulas and merge cells in Column K and Column P

2] In K2, enter formula and copied to P2 :


Then, all copied down

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