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Determining Height formula for Milestone Chart

Hi ,

If you want a simple formula , which helps to separate the labels from one another , try this in D20 :


Copy down.

Hi ,

If you want a simple formula , which helps to separate the labels from one another , try this in D20 :


Copy down.


Thank you for your reply. I tried this, but your formula returns either a 0,1 or 2. The examples also have 3 and 4 as values. How do you get 3 and 4?
Hi ,

The example file had 3 and 4 because they were just manually entered values ; if you want the same pattern , the formula will be more complex ; try this :


Hi ,

The example file had 3 and 4 because they were just manually entered values ; if you want the same pattern , the formula will be more complex ; try this :



Very nice. This was very helpful. Thank you.