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deleting empty cells in the midst of meaningful data and moving data up


New Member
I am trying to do a pt biserial correlation in excel but my data is filled with gaps. these gaps are inherent in the nature of the data (tests with passages) but not missing. I would like to delete these empty cells so that all cells are filled with data and there is a jagged line of data at the bottom of the worksheet instead of gaps in the middle.

Thank you for reading.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

Add a column to your data and put the numbers 1, 2, 3 etc to n in those cells

Make sure they are numbers and not formulas

Next sort the data including the new column by the data column

You should now have all your Blanks at the top or bottom of your data

Select those rows and delete them

Select all the data and the new column again

Sort by the new column, Ascending

Delete the new column

Your data is now ready to use
Thank you very much:)


I found this solution as well. I am sooo excited as I've been trying to figure this out for months. My boss will be estatic!

so thrilled to find the forum & will tell all my stat friends:)

Thanks again!