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Date - Conditional Format



how can a place a conditional format on a column?

I have a column that monitors a dates, if the date is over 365 days the condition would be to change the cell to red
I should add, i have tried "format only cells that contain" then "dates Occuring" and put 365 but it doesnt work.

i should also add the cell already has a date populated in it. but when that date is 365 days past i would like the cell to change to red.
a date is a number. for instance, 1/1/2011 is 40544. So all dates you are entering would be bigger than 365, unless you are entering dates from the year 1900.
In 2007/10, when you set the criteria for conditional formatting you want to select the "use a formula to determine which cells to format" which is similar to the requirement for 2003.

Then you need to work out a formula that will drive a TRUE/FALSE answer. in this case, I suggest:


where "cell" would be the active cell in the range you have selected e.g. if you select column B and Cell B2 is highlighted then it would be B2.
walla, great it worked. i did start playing with =today() last night but could not get it right. i tried using +365, -365 but never thought of using the greater than. dah
