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Database Transition from Excel to Microsoft Access



Recently, I have had a large database and I am transitioning it into Microsoft Access.

I haven't had any experience with Microsoft Access and I was wondering what resources people have used to do analysis on Access?

Also, how does the comparisons for relational databases differ between Access and Excel?

Open Ms Access

1. Go to External Data tab
2. Select " Excel " under Import field
3. Select your file

It's Done.

Access is the local PC database tool which allows the lots of technical features to user i.e. Tables, Query, Forms, reports etc..

Hope this will helps u.

Access has many more features than Excel and is a very powerful tool for holding and displaying data.
By using the Query feature you can construct reports that show only the data needed and once made saved so that you can run an updated reports with just a click or two.
The most important part of Access are the tables, when you import Excel into Access it will put your raw data into one table...this is not good.....it would soon slow down when constructing Query's, Forms or Reports as the whole single table would have to be search for the require data, data should occupy different tables as per the rules of normalization.
Thanks for all the replies!

Does anyone know of any Access Forums, where I could ask questions about that product?

I am currently reading through the Dummies book for Access to learn more.