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Data Viz Files


New Member

in one of the data viz files, password is protected, any chance, will you relax or do you facility to purchase some of the files on cost basis
@Sankar.. All the files that I made are usually unprotected (or protected with a blank password). Any files made by others are usually protected (as per author's request). Can you tell me which file it is?
Dear Mr.Chandoo

The file name is chandoo-pawel.xls

Could you also guide me, some of your files are very exhaustive and did you publish any CD form on cost basis. or else, could you kindly advise me, whether advanced excel files are available in CD in market?

Thanks for the understanding and stay safe


that file is prepared by Pawel for a contest we did on chandoo.org. You are free to use the file as long as you attribute the author and do not use it for commercial purposes. In case you want to use it as a template in your organization or something, you can get in touch with Pawel (I will send his email id to you).
Hi Chandoo,

The Pawel report is very clever and I would love to learn how the calcs sheet is build but the file is protected. Is there any chance you could forward Pawels email address so I could for an unprotected copy?

Or do you have example how to build something similar?

I am wondering if I could get in touch with Pawel as well. i'm really intrigued to figure out how i can use multiple controls within a singular chart. Could you could forward Pawels email address to me as well?

I love your site; thank you so much!


There's an easy way to give redaugherty access to the CHART sheet in Chandoo-Pawel.xls workbook, so as a workaround for bypassing sheet protection.

What I don't know if it's netiquette-able to post it here, even being a method that just works with a common and daily-used Excel feature.

I'm writing this post because I'm wondering if the protection implemented by the author responds to a safe-anti-don't-touch-and-break policy (just as your protection with a blank password) in which case I consider that the author would agree that others may gain access to the unprotected file at their own risk of getting it unusable, or if it's been actually a failed intent to preserve his work in which case I'd respect his willing with absolute agreement.

Little ethical dilemma, so better ask first.



I've been thinking about mi previous post, and considering that I haven't got any guideline, and that this forums are to share knowledge and try to become awesome in Excel and help other people and learn more, well, here are my two-cents for your cause:

a) download the chandoo-pawel.xls file from this link:

http://chandoo.org/wp/2010/01/04/sales-dashboards/ and then Option 26, https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=b663e096d6c08c74&id=B663E096D6C08C74!401

b) open it in Excel

c) select CHART worksheet and copy it to another clean new workbook right-clicking on tab sheets at bottom

d) same for DATA

e) now you have the same two unprotected sheets in new book

f) change charting data sources

g) apply proper formatting if needed

h) save the new workbook

i) close the original workbook

j) ... et voila! c'est tout... learn, enjoy and share


PS: don't forget trying to get it touch with the original author, thank him as deserved and let him know what have you done, and follow Chandoo's recommendations: free for personal use, acknowledge source, and nothing of business use, profitable or not.

PS2: let us know how you go on.