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Data Validation


New Member
I have applied data validation on the input cells to accept only the numbers by applying =isnumber(Cell number) which is working quite fine. but the problem which i am facing currently is when i try to put any thing other than number then it gives error that it can not accept it but when i revoke it ,my output cells show #Value. How can i rectify this and let it run smoothly .

Urgent response will be appreciated.


Can you clarify what you mean by "revoke it"? Are there other cells w/ formulas that are depending on the cell w/ data validation, and they are showing the error? Is it a macro that's causing the error?
I kind of confused. You want only numbers but then you say you want to input values other than numbers. o_O
if you use =isnumber(Cell number), then it VALID only for NUMBER [by default, it take the Boolean value as TRUE], so you validate the cell for only NUMBER by yourself. So why it VALID anything other than NUMBER?
i mean to say that if some one else is working on the model and by mistake he enters anything other than number than it shows the error but when u cancel it, then u see #value in output cells. how we should rectify this error
Hi, saadferoze!

I'm unable to reproduce your scenario. If I set CF to A1 as formula =ISNUMBER(A1), there's no way that I've found to introduce anything than a numeric value, and if I try to input a text value when I press Retry it pops up again and when I press Cancel it shows again the previous original value. And if I apply the CF to a pre-existing cell containing text, it occurs the same thing as above.

So consider uploading the workbook with the problem so as to be able to reproduce the issue.
