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Data validation with combo box


Respected sir,

I have data sheet I a.xls file where I store different ledger name. Now I create a cash.xls file where I creat data validation with combo box , when I double click in data validated cell I select data by typing from a.xls file. After that I save the all file and close excel. But as when I reopen the all files then I found that all data validation in cash.xls file is missing and again I formatted the data validation format but after reopen same happened. Please help me how to solve it ?

EDIT: LCase (SirJB7)
Hi, roypabitra!

Perhaps you'd want to read the green sticky posts at this forums main page so as to know the guidelines that will lead to know how this community operates (introducing yourself, posting files, netiquette rules, and so on).

If you'd have read the main green sticky post at this forums main page...


...you should have noticed the 10th. point:

"PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We have big ears and will hear you just the same."


PS: I'd suggest you to edit your post clicking on the "EDIT" link below it and adjust text to proper case. Same for the title.
Hi, roypabitra!

There's a known issue regarding data validation between versions 2007 and 2010. This is the link to a Microsoft page where it's treated, would it help?


Respected Sir,

Sir, But I work in only excel-2007 I never work in Excel-2010 but I save the file as .xls format. So, Sir, It is possible to keep the data validation after saving the file.

Thanks & Regards

Pabitra Roy
Hi, roypabitra!

I'm afraid it isn't possible, check this:

