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Data Validation List - Vlookup - Loop


New Member
I have searched high and low but cannot find the answer, so hoping someone can help. I have two worksheets, Data and Data Tables. The data tables contains a list of a customer, along with the grocery stores that customer services (two columns):

Becker Ahold

Becker Wal Mart

Becker Kroger

There are many customers and grocery stores, but it will be a static range.

The data worksheet has a column with data validation where the user selects the Customer (Becker, for instance). I want to then populate the next column on the right with all the grocery stores serviced by the customer. I think vlookup and some vba code will do the trick but have no idea how to build it.

Any help is appreciated.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

You may want to have a look at this post for some ideas:

Hui: thanks, I do believe I can adapt this to work in my project. I did run across this post before but did not dig deeply enough into it, and now I wish I had. Would have saved me a lot of head scratching.