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Data from another sheet [SOLVED]


Dear friends

Thanks for the earlier problems that you all help me to solved.

I want to pull data from another sheet by matching the date.

Sheet 1, named as "dailymcx" & Sheet 2, named as "mcxall".

data in "dailymcx"






data on "mcxall"


ALUMINI-I 25/07/2013 107.2 107.2 104.9 105.5 0.23 40.38

ALUMINI-I 26/07/2013 105.25 105.35 103.8 104 0.16 32.11

ALUMINI-I 27/07/2013 103.95 104.3 103.9 104.2 0.08 34.13

ALUMINI-I 29/07/2013 104.35 104.65 103.95 104.45 0 36.78

ALUMINI-I 30/07/2013 104.65 105.9 104.3 105.5 -0.07 46.88

ALUMINI-I 31/07/2013 105.75 106.4 105.3 105.85 -0.12 49.88

ALUMINI-I 01/08/2013 108.6 109.35 108.3 109.1 -0.09 68.49

ALUMINIUM-I 02/07/2013 107 109 106.95 107.75 0.07 64.14

ALUMINIUM-I 03/07/2013 108.2 109.4 107.65 107.8 0.12 64.37

ALUMINIUM-I 04/07/2013 107.5 108.25 107.25 107.5 0.18 61.69

I want to match "Ticker & date" of "dailymcx" with "Ticker & date" of "mcxall".

As in sheet "mcxall" the "Tickers" are same like "ALUMINI-I" showing datas from "25/7/2013" to "01/08/2013". I want only the current date row value of "ALUMINI_I" from sheet "mcxall"



Hi, pucha!

And how will be the match performed? On what worksheet, which columns... Would you post or describe the desired output?

Sorry for this...

I want to get the output data in sheet named "dailymcx", "H2".

Match should perform like this...

"Ticker & Date" of sheet "dailymcx" should match "Ticker & date" of sheet "mcxall" and the output in sheet "dailymcx", "h2"

Sorry for Inconvenient,

Hi, pucha!

In cell H2 of worksheet dailymcx don't you yet have a value? 3672, and 2673, 109, 2502, 21086, for the next rows. Should they be overwritten?

Hi, pucha!

You have at least 2 choices:

1) Array formula

=SI.ERROR(INDICE(mcxall!A$2:H$11;COINCIDIR(A2&B2;mcxall!A$2:A$11&mcxall!B$2:B$11;0);3);"") -----> in english: =IFERROR(INDEX(mcxall!A$2:H$11,MATCH(A2&B2,mcxall!A$2:A$11&mcxall!B$2:B$11,0),3),"")

2) Normal formula

=SUMAPRODUCTO((mcxall!C$2:C$11)*(mcxall!A$2:A$11=A2)*(mcxall!B$2:B$11=B2)) -----> in english: =SUMPRODUCT((mcxall!C$2:C$11)*(mcxall!A$2:A$11=A2)*(mcxall!B$2:B$11=B2))

In the examples I retrieved the value of column C (or 3rd), adjust that properly to fit your needs.

Just advise if any issue.

Hi, pucha!

It's strange, they're both working for me. Give a look to this file:




PS: Array INDEX/MATCH at column I and normal SUMPRODUCT at column J.
Dear SirJB7

Due to internet disturbances I could not reply.

Thanks its working.

But till not getting the output as I required, may be due to incomplete data I have provided in my first post. So please requested to check that.


I am giving the data once again as there was some mistake above


data in "dailymcx"----Heading

Ticker,Date,Open,High,Low,Close,vol,oi (which i forgot to write the heading above)






data on "mcxall"-----Heading

Ticker,Date,Open,High,Low,Close,d1,d2,d3,d4(heading d3 & d4 was not added above)

ALUMINI-I 25/07/2013 107.2 107.2 104.9 105.5 0.23 40.38 buy buy

ALUMINI-I 26/07/2013 105.25 105.35 103.8 104 0.16 32.11 buy buy

ALUMINI-I 27/07/2013 103.95 104.3 103.9 104.2 0.08 34.13 sell buy

ALUMINI-I 29/07/2013 104.35 104.65 103.95 104.45 0 36.78 sell sell

ALUMINI-I 30/07/2013 104.65 105.9 104.3 105.5 -0.07 46.88 sell buy

ALUMINI-I 31/07/2013 105.75 106.4 105.3 105.85 -0.12 49.88 buy buy

ALUMINI-I 01/08/2013 108.6 109.35 108.3 109.1 -0.09 68.49 buy sell

ALUMINIUM-I 02/07/2013 107 109 106.95 107.75 0.07 64.14 sell sell

ALUMINIUM-I 03/07/2013 108.2 109.4 107.65 107.8 0.12 64.37 buy buy

ALUMINIUM-I 04/07/2013 107.5 108.25 107.25 107.5 0.18 61.69 sell sell

Please check this data of the two sheets.

I check the file you uploaded. every thing is working fine.

But as the formula is of sum-products the last cell "d3" (which is in alphabet) is not achieved, as it shows "#Value!" .

I want the output from d1 to d4 of sheet mcxall into sheet dailymcx "I2", "J2" etc.

Please rectify the formula.


Hi ,

Can you say why the date format in the two sheets is different ? In the dailymcx tab , it is mm/dd/yyyy , whereas in the mcxall tab , it is dd/mm/yyyy.

Which format is your computer's native format ?

Hi ,

In that case , use the following formula , entered as an array formula , in I2 , and copy across and down :


Of course , this will work only if the dates which are in dd/mm/yyyy format are manually changed to the mm/dd/yyyy format. Will you do this ?

If this cannot be done , then the above formula will have to be revised.



I have change manually the date format to mm/dd/yyyy & copied the formula to I2 But it showing "#NAME?" in that cell.

Please Revised


Hi Pucha ,

It is possible the IFERROR function is not available in your version of Excel ; can you try this , and give feedback ?


Enter this as an array formula , using CTRL SHIFT ENTER.
