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Data Extraction in Excel


New Member
I have a complex set of data which looks like xml.

I need to extract the data in the following format

<Metamorph dxp1:category="ABC" xmlns:dxp1="http://alibaba.com/ab/2012/01/" xmlns="http://apple.com/ab/2012/01/search_request"><d2p1:Or><d2p1:Value>BL:31</d2p1:Value><d2p1:Value>M:B</d2p1:Value></d2p1:Or></MetaDataConstraint>

from the above text: I have to extract the item which occurs after category = "ABC". It comes with quotes.

2) I need to extract the codes between Values: BL:31, M:B and put them in separate columns of the same row.

Is it possible, if yes please guide me.

I have 1000's of similar lines to go over with.
Cannot try right now, but how about import as text or text to column, and you define these two (BL:31 and M:B) as separators? First one of the two (BL:31) and you get two columns. then you do the same with the second column, this time using M:B as separator. Result should be in the middle column after.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

Q1: =RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("ABC",A1)-4)

Q2: =MID(A1,FIND("BL:31",A1)+5,FIND("M:B",A1)-FIND("BL:31",A1)-5)
Andreas: Thank you for your assistance


Hui: The first one almost worked but I am getting the residue information too after "ABC"

like: "ABC" xmlns:dxp1="http://alibaba.com/ab/2012/01/" xmlns="http://apple.com/ab/2012/01/search_request"><d2p1:Or><d2p1:Value>BL:31</d2p1:Value><d2p1:Value>M:B</d2p1:Value></d2p1:Or></MetaDataConstraint>

I want only the item between the quotes "ABC".

I can probably run a text to column for it.

But if I have multiple categories in a given row how to tackle it?


Q2: the values: BL:31 are not consistent, it can vary and have 100's of different options. I need a similar logic to just extract BL:31, M:B. There will be multiple values in a given row.

I misread your requirements


ABC try:

BL:31 try: =MID($A1,FIND(":Value>",$A1)+7,FIND(":Value><",$A1)-FIND(":Value>",$A1)-13)

M:B try: =MID($A1,FIND(":Value>",$A1,FIND(":Value>",$A1,FIND(":Value>",$A1)+1)+1)+7,FIND("</",$A1,FIND(":Value>",$A1,FIND(":Value>",$A1,FIND(":Value>",$A1)+1)+1)+7+1)-FIND(":Value>",$A1,FIND(":Value>",$A1,FIND(":Value>",$A1)+1)+1)-7)

If there are more than 2 sets of <d2p1:Value>XXXX</d2p1:Value> pairs

I would suggest using Text to Columns and using "d2p1:Value>" as a column delimiter

Is there any chance the source can be reconfigured to give you a better output?
Thank you Hui, The first one works perfect.

Need to figure out how to get the multiple values.

Data formatting is not an option, I wish it were.
Hello Gopal,

Assuming data starts from A2 to down.

To get the values between 'quotes' try this in B2 & copy across & down.

=TRIM(MID(SUBSTITUTE($A2,CHAR(34),REPT(" ",LEN($A2))),LEN($A2)*(COLUMNS($B2:B2)*2-1),LEN($A2)))

