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Data / Conditional Formatting

Dear Marc. I have created a fresh workbook, a replica of my finished product and have used this latest coding. Yes, it works as intended. I placed codes in a separate sheet and created 3 further worksheets with tschedules. I have tried all 3 individually and yes, this works perfectly fine. Tomorrow, I am going to test this in a real project workbook. I know this will work fine but want to do some more testing with the real data. I will let you know the final result tomorrow. Thanks again for your help.
Dear Marc

I have one question, and I also seek advice.

First things first, an update: I have tested in real environment using the real project and it works just as intended. Serves purpose 100%. Tons of thanks.

Q: Can the codes be Alpha and or Alpha-numeric? Currently, they are only numeric. If they could be made Alpha and or Alpha-numeric and or numeric - a combination / mixture, then that would be icing on the cake.

Advice: I call myself having low intermediate Excel knowledge but I am a heavy user; 99% of my work is done on MS-Excel. I have recorded and used Macros for over 10 years but have never delved into the VBA world. Now I see the real power of VBA. Would you be able to lead me to correct direction to learn VBA (I am a slow learner). How and where to start. There are tons of courses available and am not able to decide where to start. I had narrowed down to some beginners courses offered on Udemy e.g. https://www.udemy.com/excel-vba-and-macros-course/ by Leila Gharani. I wanted to start from here (or similar), and then enrol into a proper course conducted by Chandoo and few others. Your advice would be greatly appreciated. My goal now is to start learning VBA.

A: The codes can be everything but you should remove the IsNumeric condition from my event script.​
For VBA you can start here : Excel VBA …​
I used to learn VBA with the Macro Recorder and the VBA inner help.​
With some experience, comparing codes from blogs and forums, my skills was improved.​
Before creating any code, the first question is How to solve this on Excel side ?
If you can solve the need via any Excel stuff, using this feature on VBA side often​
makes your way easier - even faster - than to reinvent the wheel with the risk of a square one !​
And sometimes you can realize a VBA code is not necessary …​
TEBV rule : Think Excel Before VBA !​
Exploring & respecting Excel Objects Model can also make your way easier, like my event script for example.​
TBTO rule : Think, But Think Object !​
Since Excel 2010, another powerful way is the Mcode from PowerQuery.​
Dear Marc, Thanks a lot for the solution, but most importantly, for the clear direction. On my new journey now.
A: The codes can be everything but you should remove the IsNumeric condition from my event script.​
For VBA you can start here : Excel VBA …​
I used to learn VBA with the Macro Recorder and the VBA inner help.​
With some experience, comparing codes from blogs and forums, my skills was improved.​
Before creating any code, the first question is How to solve this on Excel side ?
If you can solve the need via any Excel stuff, using this feature on VBA side often​
makes your way easier - even faster - than to reinvent the wheel with the risk of a square one !​
And sometimes you can realize a VBA code is not necessary …​
TEBV rule : Think Excel Before VBA !​
Exploring & respecting Excel Objects Model can also make your way easier, like my event script for example.​
TBTO rule : Think, But Think Object !​
Since Excel 2010, another powerful way is the Mcode from PowerQuery.​

Hi Marc

I have removed IsNumeric as advised but its throwing up an error: copy pasted here the code after removing IsNumeric:

Any advice, please let me know.
As you removed only a part of the condition, the error raises …​
If Target.ListObject Is Nothing Or Not IsNumeric(Target.Value2) Then Exit Sub
yes works perfectly fine
gaining learning though, and yes, already started studying VBA from the link that you had suggested.
much appreciated