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Dashboard - row spacings


Hi Folks,

I have started a dashboard and the column widths and row heights have been set for the first 6 reports.

I do however wish to copy all six reports downwards until I have twenty reports and in so doing keep the row heights and column widths.

Please advise which is the easiest way to do this ?



If you select a group of Rows say 1 to 20

Then copy

Then Select Rows 21:40 or 21:100 etc

(It has to be an integer Number of rows times the selected rows)

Then Paste Special, Format

That will copy Rows Heights
Hi Hui,

Thanks for the reply.

Not sure what you mean though by the 21:40 to 21:100

and time the selection ?


and so am I

If I set formats in various cells in rows 1 to 10 including Row Heights

Select Rows 1 to 10 Copy (note it is 10 Rows)

Select Rows 31 to 40 (note: also 10 Rows)

Paste Special, Format

If That doesn't work, can you tell us what doesn't work?

Not Successful isn't much to go by
Hi Hui,

I have three rows.

Row heights are 5,12.75 and 5 respectively

The values are 1, 10 and 1 in each cell.

I copy the three cells form the three rows (33 to 35) as described and paste using "format" to row 37 to 39.

The numbers are not copied and the height of rows remain unchanged.

I hope this descirbes my challenge


I do that exactly as you described and it copy the Formats as it should, Row Heights, Cell colors, cell formats etc,

It doesn't copy Values or Formulas as that wasn't what we asked it to do

You will have to do the contents separately

When you select the Rows, Do you Select the Row Label 33, Hold Shift and Drag down to 35?
Hi Hui,

Thanks for the help.

the secrte is in selcting the labels on the left and draging , not just selecting the data in the rows without the labels.

I appreciate the help

Regards Rob