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Dashboard and option radio buttons


I am making a dashboard, the one Chandoo has posted it in this website. I need to insert 5 radio buttons and when I select one of them, that selected radio button would identify that column to be sorted or that column would be my sort key.

I need to select one them only (my sort key). I assign to them the same cell where they are placed: For example: if the option button 1 is in cell C5, it is linked to cell C5. When I insert these option buttons, the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 are being shown beside them. How can I hide these numbers or make these numbers show up in some other cell? The second problem is when I click different option buttons, their links changes all the time. For example the first option button has the number one and it is in F5 and the second one has the number two and it is placed in G5, when I select the second radio button, the number of first radio button gets changed and the links are changed.

Any help?



To hide the numbers, just use the ;;; custom format. Then use a formula to link the cell you want the numbers to appear (for instance, assuming that you have your button linked to cell C5, format cell C5 as Custom - ";;;", then in another cell type =C5).

Regarding the radio button links, have a look at the cells you have linked the radio buttons to. It may be that you have linked both of them to F5 (maybe you've just copy-pasted the radio buttons, and forgot to change the link for the last one?). Otherwise, I see no reason for which the cell F5 changes when you check the radio button linked to G5.

Best regards,


Radio Buttons are exclusive in that only one is ever active

and hence Radio Buttons must link to the same cell and if you change any one of them they all change.

Another way to hide text is to make the text color the same as the font color ie: white on white, yellow on yellow etc
Radu & Hui,

Thank you for the help.....

What can I do to make the radio buttons to look even in the cell? I mean, I want the radios buttons look completely in the center of the cell?

Second request:

I want the value of the radio button is fetched and brought to a cell in a different sheet. For example if I select the second radio button, the digit 2 needs to be shown in that cell and all the column below that radio button should populate a column in that sheet(by using Offset function.)

Please let me know if this is not clear.

