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Creating a YoY chart by period


I have sales, production, and shipment data for several years that my boss would like to see in YoY to see if there are trends relating to seasons, months, etc. I'm wondering if the best way to display the charts is as 12 small charts (one for each month/period) on one sheet for each category -- orders, produced, shipped. I created a pivot table with % difference from columns to show inremental changes, however, this doesn't translate properly to a pivot chart. Please offer suggestions. I'm wondering if an interactive dashboard is better than printed tables and charts. I've created a dummy data file that I am uploading.


  • 20140226ChandooForumYOYChartbyPeriod.xlsx
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given the amount of data (# of months for the multiple years) you'll probably want/need to have multiple charts to be able to display specific data clearly. if you try to get too much in 1 chart, it'll be too hard to read/understand (thus defeating the purpose of a chart)

interactive could be a huge plus over numerous charts. I create 16 pages of charts (13pgs have 2 charts) each week....man, how i wish i could just do it electronically!! ((ssssoooo much paper)) plus, if you'll with your boss as he/she is looking at the data/charts, you'll be able to change/create a new one for any last minute questions that you weren't able to anticipate.

on your pivot table, if you create a pivot chart and ove the years to the filter box, that would give you a 'decent over-view look at all years brokendown by each month'...
Thank you, Jason. I tried your suggestion of moving Years to the filter box and it gave me a nice graph of months as totals of all years. This is a great help; I was stuck. I will definitely create a dashboard sheet with these three charts (one for each category -- new orders, produced, shipped -- and perhaps add additional information based on future input. Thank you for taking time to answer!
you may be able to fit those 3 categories on the same chart... i think i ended up with those just messing around and it will depend on the size of your chart (thats going to be viewed (printed or electronic)). if you can make it large enough, it may work.
Are you referring to the "Daily Rate - New Orders" or the "New Orders" data? The scale of the Daily Rate data is much smaller,so i'm assuming you'd be using the "New Orders" data...?
Here's what i did (by no means would i say this is the 'best way'.. just one of many). i put the Years in the filter box, the 3 categories in the values box, moved the legend to the bottom of the chart. The scale can also be tweeked a bit (smaller font, lessen the scale range) and its not tooo hard to read.

glad to help!!
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I am actually using the Daily Rate for this report. I'll also play with adding all three categories. Thank you again, Jason.