Dear Chandoo
Under your tip entitled: Conditional Formatting in Excel – 5 Tips to make you a Rockstar, I tried tip # 2 for a gantt chart and it didn't work for me. There are 3 bullet points, I followed the 1st by creating the table structure. I am unclear about the 2nd and 3rd bullet points. Which cells does the formula reference? =IF(AND(F$8>=$D9, F$8<=$E9),"1","").
Please review and advise if there is a step missing.
Kind regards,
Under your tip entitled: Conditional Formatting in Excel – 5 Tips to make you a Rockstar, I tried tip # 2 for a gantt chart and it didn't work for me. There are 3 bullet points, I followed the 1st by creating the table structure. I am unclear about the 2nd and 3rd bullet points. Which cells does the formula reference? =IF(AND(F$8>=$D9, F$8<=$E9),"1","").
Please review and advise if there is a step missing.
Kind regards,