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Create separate summary sheets for each customer


New Member
Hi All,

I have a list of 30 products on sheet 1 cells A2:A31,their correspondent unit prices on cells B 2 to b31 and column C 2 TO 31 captures order quantity. The order taker inputs order quantities in sheet 1 column c.

I need a code that once an order taker inputs an order quantity on column c and clicks on a button on sheet 1, it uses inputbox to ask for the information of the customer i.e name and order date then it will transfer the details in addition to the order quantity and unit price from sheet1 to a new summary worksheet named after the customer.

The summary worksheet created for each customer should have a simple invoice format that will also have running total plus a constant sales tax to get grand total.
I'd suggest looking at some of Ron's examples for creating summary sheets under Copy/Paste Merge on this site:


My guess is that you want this one:

Thanks Luke, The article is indeed very helpful I have been able to create the summary sheets. I will see if i can conclude the project from here. Meanwhile i am a vba learner and will appreciate more online referneces to places where i can learn and master vba. I need real useful references, some of the ones i see give very little in terms of qulaity and depth
I'd recommend starting here:


Chandoo gives a very good intro do VB with his flourish of words and pictures, and provides many useful links to other sources.