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Create arrow connectors between shapes based on FS, SS, SF and FF


I am building a gantt template in VBA and I have issues in arrow connectors for dependencies.
The result I want is what you see in images below:
I have this code, which works fine if the tasks are not aligned in the time line. when they are, the result is the third example in each picture. Wht are the changes I must do in the code to get the result in the correct examples?
Dim RgID As Range

    Dim RgPredec As Range

    Dim RgRelType As Range

    Dim RgItem As Range

    Dim LgItem As Long

    Const DEPENDENCY_PREFIX As String = "connector"

    Const PREFIX As String = "Task"


    ' Clear existing connectors

    For LgItem = ActiveSheet.Shapes.Count To 1 Step -1

        If Left(ActiveSheet.Shapes(LgItem).Name, Len(DEPENDENCY_PREFIX)) = DEPENDENCY_PREFIX Then


        End If



    ' Set ranges

    With ActiveSheet

        Set RgID = .Range("A11:A600") 'IDTASK

        Set RgPredec = .Range("L11:L600")'DEPENDENCY/PREDECESSOR

        Set RgRelType = .Range("N11:N600") ' RELATIONSHIP (FS, SS, SF, FF)

    End With


    ' Create connectors based on relationship types

    For Each RgItem In RgPredec.Cells

        LgItem = RgItem.Row - 10 ' Adjust row offset as needed

        If RgItem.Value <> "" Then

            Select Case RgRelType.Cells(LgItem).Value

                Case "FS"

                    BuildDependencyArrow ActiveSheet.Shapes(PREFIX & RgItem.Value), _

                                         ActiveSheet.Shapes(PREFIX & RgID.Cells(LgItem).Value), _

                                         DEPENDENCY_PREFIX & CStr(LgItem), "FS"

                Case "SS"

                    BuildDependencyArrow ActiveSheet.Shapes(PREFIX & RgItem.Value), _

                                         ActiveSheet.Shapes(PREFIX & RgID.Cells(LgItem).Value), _

                                         DEPENDENCY_PREFIX & CStr(LgItem), "SS"

                Case "SF"

                    BuildDependencyArrow ActiveSheet.Shapes(PREFIX & RgItem.Value), _

                                         ActiveSheet.Shapes(PREFIX & RgID.Cells(LgItem).Value), _

                                         DEPENDENCY_PREFIX & CStr(LgItem), "SF"

                Case "FF"

                    BuildDependencyArrow ActiveSheet.Shapes(PREFIX & RgItem.Value), _

                                         ActiveSheet.Shapes(PREFIX & RgID.Cells(LgItem).Value), _

                                         DEPENDENCY_PREFIX & CStr(LgItem), "FF"

            End Select

        End If



    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

    Application.ScreenUpdating = True



End Sub

Sub BuildDependencyArrow(FromShape As Shape, ToShape As Shape, Name As String, RelType As String)

    Dim x1 As Single, y1 As Single, x2 As Single, y2 As Single


    Select Case RelType

        Case "FS"

            x1 = FromShape.Left + FromShape.Width

            y1 = FromShape.Top + FromShape.Height / 2

            x2 = ToShape.Left

            y2 = ToShape.Top + ToShape.Height / 2

        Case "SS"

            x1 = FromShape.Left

            y1 = FromShape.Top + FromShape.Height / 2

            x2 = ToShape.Left

            y2 = ToShape.Top + ToShape.Height / 2

        Case "SF"

            x1 = FromShape.Left

            y1 = FromShape.Top + FromShape.Height / 2

            x2 = ToShape.Left + ToShape.Width

            y2 = ToShape.Top + ToShape.Height / 2

        Case "FF"

            x1 = FromShape.Left + FromShape.Width

            y1 = FromShape.Top + FromShape.Height / 2

            x2 = ToShape.Left + ToShape.Width

            y2 = ToShape.Top + ToShape.Height / 2

    End Select


    With ActiveSheet.Shapes.BuildFreeform(msoEditingAuto, x1, y1)

        .AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, (x1 + x2) / 2, y1

        .AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, (x1 + x2) / 2, y2

        .AddNodes msoSegmentLine, msoEditingAuto, x2, y2


    End With


    With ActiveSheet.Shapes(ActiveSheet.Shapes.Count)

        .Line.EndArrowheadStyle = msoArrowheadTriangle

        .Name = Name

    End With

End Sub

Thank uou all in advance
Last edited by a moderator:


You skipped to comment --- did You get it work?
You missed to send a sample Excel file to give more exact details.
There are more combinations, which have to take care.
Here one sample - how those connectors works.
... from selection can choose needed combination and You can see right side it


  • jonastiger.xlsb
    22.2 KB · Views: 3


You skipped to comment --- did You get it work?
You missed to send a sample Excel file to give more exact details.
There are more combinations, which have to take care.
Here one sample - how those connectors works.
... from selection can choose needed combination and You can see right side it
thank you for your sample.
basically, it's what I want to apply. However I have some difficulties to adapt the code to my template. Would you help please?


  • FS_SS_SF_FF.xlsb
    21.5 KB · Views: 1


I noticed some of Your difficulties ...
eg those 'task boxes' have to name correctly and there were none code.
One of Your given combination is challenge - test something else...
Here one sample - sheet3.


  • FS_SS_SF_FF.xlsb
    52.2 KB · Views: 4
With my apologies for the late response, I want to thank you all the help you (VLETM) have provided and solved this thread.
Thank You very much