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Create a dashboard


This post will be erased on Sunday as Chandoo is introducing a new forum

Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/forum-migration-freezing-on-23aug2013-important

I'd suggest reposting the question on Tuesday
Does any one see and read the Large green sticky at the top of the sticky lisT

*******************DO NOT POST ANYTHING THIS WEEKEND AS IT WILL DISAPPEAR INTO THE EITHER***************READ THE STICKY************Forum Migration & Freezing on 23AUG2013 [IMPORTANT]************
Please help me to create a dashboard based on the below criteria

1. resource name

2. Month

3. Work Order (Project is assigned to resource)

4. Expected work to come

5. Leave records

Single resource can work multiple Work Order. And vice versa.​
Hi Manish ,

Dashboards are company-dependent ; each organization will prefer to have a dashboard in their own unique way.

First , you need to upload your data so that the dashboard can be customized.

Second , you need to say what you wish to present ; do you wish to present just figures , or do you wish to present relationships / trends or do you wish to present changes / impacts ?

Third , you need to specify the constraints viz. is VBA to be avoided , or is it acceptable ?

Lastly , you need to be involved in the job , since you cannot expect support from this forum over an extended period of time , especially if you want it urgently. This means that you should be at least somewhat aware of the basics of dashboard design ; to this end , you might do better to go through the following links :

1. http://chandoo.org/wp/excel-dashboards/

2. http://www.excelcharts.com/blog/how-to-create-an-excel-dashboard/

3. http://www.skilledup.com/learn/business-entrepreneurship/best-free-excel-templates-dashboards/


Excel dashboard,Excel is an excellent tool to make powerful dashboards that can provide analysis, insight and alert managers in timely manner.