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Counting unique values if other criteria are true


New Member
I need a formula to count unique values in one column in a table ONLY IF a certain value is true in a different column of the same row.

So for instance, I have a column that is "campaign numbers" and another column that is "status"

I need to know how many campaigns have a status of "active" at any given point in time, but the problem is that each campaign number is listed in multiple rows (depending on how many elements a campaign has). Campaign number "6," for example, has four entries, campaign "8" has seven, and all entries for each campaign will have a status of "active."

I hope that makes sense.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums.

Sumproduct or Countifs

=Sumproduct((Campaign Range= Campaign No)*(Status Range="Active"))


=Countifs(Campaign Range, Campaign No, Status Range, "Active")

To be more specific please upload a sample file, Refer: http://chandoo.org/forums/topic/posting-a-sample-workbook
Consider A2:A100 is Campaign Numbers, B2:B100 is Status

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