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Counting specific values in a CSV Column


New Member
I have a column containing several values, for example:

B1, H, G



D, D1

N,B2, L, L3, G1




O2, Q2


I1, I2, L4, Q2

How do i find the count for each unique value?

I have used:

=SUM(--NOT(ISERROR(FIND(A3,'SCR Dispo'!N:N)))) as an array (ctrl+Shift+Enter), but it counts the G1, G2 and G3 as G values.

Your insight and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

I think VBA is better choice if you do not how many unique entries will be there in CSV.

Here's a formula which should probably work the way you want:

=SUM(--ISNUMBER(FIND(A3&",",'SCR Dispo'!N:N&",")))

Note: If possible avoid whole column reference N:N. Use N1:N10000 [Maximum expected] as it will cause a slow down.
I had posted SUMPRODUCT in the old forum.
from Old forum said:
You can implement a SUMPRODUCT [untested]
=SUMPRODUCT(ISNUMBER(FIND(A3&",",'SCR Dispo'!N1:N100&","))*'SCR Dispo'!B1:B100)
where 'SCR Dispo'!B:B is your SUM column.
Thanx very much... i used a version of sumproduct and it is working...
one thing... sumproduct appears to be a beast with resources... tends to be slow...
any suggestions on improving speed?
What version of Excel do you use? Are you referring to 2nd question of summing or something else? Maybe if you could post a sample if it is different.

I am asking this because SUMPRODUCT in 2007+ accepts full column references such as N:N and you could be virtually dealing with million cells. Not a good idea. Restrict them to maximum [N1:N10000] and see if that improves speed.

A SUM formula [array entered] could be used but it'd nearly be equal I suspect.
Hi, David!
I agree with your beast resource consume of SUMPRODUCT and towards the same direction of shrivallabha's suggestion, I'd use a dynamic named range for 2 reasons: easy expandability and exact and minimum resource's use.
Hope it helps.
Here is the cell formula:

Thanx very much for your help.