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Counting No of Rows with Non Zero Totals over non contiguous columns dynamically


New Member
Hi Chandoo!

I have a problem….I have an Excel 2007 Sheet with Name of Dealers in Rows and Month wise Sales for the Financial Year in Columns (Apr.10, Apr.11, May.10,May.11….Mar.11,Mar.12). I have a Dashboard Sheet where the user enters the starting month & ending month for e.g. Apr.11 TO Sep.11.

I want to calculate the No of Dealers having registered some sales in the period i.e. Apr.11+May.11+…..Sep.11 should not be Zero using a formula. This needs to be calculated dynamically depending on the value entered in the Dashboard Month Field.

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org forums

Your problem sounds like a classic use of Sumproduct

Assuming that Column A has the Dealers

The dates are in Row 1 and are true dates, not text

and that the data area is B2:Y6

B10 has the Dealers Name

B8 has the from Date

B9 has the to Date

Formulas like:

Sum of Sales per Salesman


Will do the job

Adjust the ranges to suit

[b]Total Sales over the period[/b]


No Of sales months over the Period


You can read more about how this works here:


To answer your original question Sam an ExcelHero MVP has came up with a solution to the original question that I skirted around

It involves a series of Named Formula and is very clever but rather difficult to explain so I have uploaded a copy here:


The following Array Formula was supplied by Oleksiy a Student at Excel Hero Academy

It must be used in conjunction with the file I uploaded above as it uses a few Named Ranges already in that file:

=SUM((FREQUENCY((Periods>=From)*(Periods<=To)*(Data>0)*(ROW(Dealer)-1), ROW( OFFSET( Dealer, 0,0, ROWS(Dealer) +1)) -2) >0)*(( ROW( OFFSET(Dealer,0,0, ROWS(Dealer)+2))-2)>0))
Ctrl Shift Enter

Koitaki respoded over at the Excel Hero Academy with this beauty

=SUM(--(MMULT((B1:Y1>=From)*(B1:Y1<=To)*(Data<>0), TRANSPOSE(B1:Y1=B1:Y1)*1)<>0)) Ctrl Shift Enter