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Counting between date range

Hello all,

Have data similar to

abc 5/27/2008

abc 1/26/2010

abc 5/27/2008

My question is how do I count the number of times "abc" apears between date range 10/1/2011 - 11/1/2011 without hard coding the date. I currently have this formula


Thanks for your help. Oh and the raw data is on sheet "dcv" if that helps.....
If you're not hard coding the date, I'm assuming you have them in cells somewhere? I'll assume C2 and C3

Thanks, Luke M. I didn't realize I could use "&". now countifs is more versatile than I thought!
Luke M.

Can you clerify the "&"



Comparing the two I see you place the " on the greater than/equal and the & before the cell with the date. Why?

Hope this make sense.
Its because you did not want to hard code the dates, now you simply have to change the dates in the cells C2 and C3 for anothere date range.
