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Count week in a month repetition


Kindly help how to count a week in amonth start only 1 - 4 week. Example in june..date 1-5 june is week 1, 6-12 june is week 2, date 13-19 week 3, 20 -29 week 4, date 30 june only M1 (text).
In july...week repeat to 1 again..example date 1-10 july week 1, date 11-17 week 2, 18-24 week 3, 25-29 week 4, date 30 is M1. Even in august week repaeat 1 again .
Kindly help

Thank you
Please help to understand,
June week 1 have 5 days?
July week 1 have 10 days?

try below formula -


Kindly help how to count a week in amonth start only 1 - 4 week. Example in june..date 1-5 june is week 1, 6-12 june is week 2, date 13-19 week 3, 20 -29 week 4, date 30 june only M1 (text).
In july...week repeat to 1 again..example date 1-10 july week 1, date 11-17 week 2, 18-24 week 3, 25-29 week 4, date 30 is M1. Even in august week repaeat 1 again .
Kindly help

Thank you
Hi ,

To add to what has already been posted , what is the meaning of July 30 is M1 ? July has 31 days. What about July 31 ?
