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Count the number of words in a given cell.


Excel Ninja
I have downloaded & modified following code from http://www.cpearson.com/excel/wordcount.htm

but the code is giving me #Value! error.

Can someone please help me rectifying my error.

I have value in cell a5, the value is abc def efg.

I want to calculate no of words in cell a5.

Function CountWords()

Dim WordCount As Long

Dim Range("a4") As Range

Dim S As String

Dim N As Long

For Each Rng In Range

S = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(Rng.Text)

N = 0

If S <> vbNullString Then

N = Len(S) - Len(Replace(S, " ", "")) + 1

End If

WordCount = WordCount + N

Next Rng

MsgBox "Words In ActiveSheet Sheet: " & Format(WordCount, "#,##0")

End Function
Why not just use a formula:

=LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",""))+1



the 2nd formula takes care of leading or trailing spaces
or try this if you really want to use VBA

Function CountWords(MyRng As Range)
Dim rng As Range
Dim WordCount As Long
Dim S As String
Dim N As Long
For Each rng In MyRng
S = Application.WorksheetFunction.Trim(rng.Text)
N = 0
If S <> vbNullString Then N = Len(S) - Len(Replace(S, " ", "")) + 1
WordCount = WordCount + N
Next rng
MsgBox "Words In ActiveSheet Sheet: " & Format(WordCount, "#,##0")
CountWords = WordCount
End Function
The problem is I can not use formula, it has to be done with VBA only.

Your code is great help for me. This is working.

Thanks a lot fo the help.

Have a nice weekend.
Maybe a bit late but this is my function (works only for one cell range) :

Function NumWords(Rg As Range)
NumWords = UBound(Split(Rg)) + 1
End Function

Another thinking, another way, another code …
Merge of Hui's code and mine's :

Function CellWords(ByVal Rg As Range)   ' for only one cell
CellWords = UBound(Split(WorksheetFunction.Trim(Rg))) + 1
End Function

Function CountWords(Rg As Range)        ' for a range of cells
For Each Cel In Rg
CountWords = CountWords + CellWords(Cel)
End Function

Sub Test()
Debug.Print CellWords(ActiveCell), CountWords(Selection)
End Sub