I would like to click on a cell and have the number of each click show up in the cell. Example: If I click the cell A5 five times the number "5" appears in the cell. Or click A4 and the number shows up in A5.
Perhaps Developer Tab > Form Control > Insert > Form > Spin Button
The place the button (left click on sheet), size it up, then right click on it and choose "FORMAT CONTROL". One of the tabs, you will see "Link cell". In your case, type in A5. Leave everything else as-is.
Save it up and hit ESCAPE to de-select the form control you just made. Now, click on the up/down arrows. It's not as robust as what you'd like but perhaps that will suffice?
@lavkeshbhatia - nice one, just to add when you have finished adding to your numbers, press the Esc key rather than the Enter key just incase you have moved to an empty cell after your last paste else you will get a 1 in the empty cell as well.
Good one Lavkesh.. I have taken it one step ahead and defined a macro incrementCell that would take whatever is in cell A1 and increment the selected cell(s) by that value. So if A1 has 1, and you select the range B1:B10, all the cells will get 1 added to them. You can find the example file here: http://chandoo.org/img/vba/incrementCell%20Macro.xls
You can run the macro by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+i (letter i) btw...