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Sirs, I am getting error in Report1, Report2 sheets when I am deleting some rows from in Data2 data sheet. How to solve this problem. Second in the report file Sumifs calculate purchase 2 times when the invoice number is same. (Highlighted rows in the Report2 sheet). Third in the balance column quantity last balance quantity is showing until down.How can we hide balance quantity if there is no value in E and F. Can someone help me .
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Sirs, I am getting error in Report1, Report2 sheets when I am deleting some rows from in Data2 data sheet. How to solve this problem. Second in the report file Sumifs calculate purchase 2 times when the invoice number is same. (Highlighted rows in the Report2 sheet). Third in the balance column quantity last balance quantity is showing until down.How can we hide balance quantity if there is no value in E and F. Can someone help me .