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Copying Range as pic to email from Excel and Resizing Image



I have managed to embed an image into Outlook email from Excel but would like to re-size it.
Either by running a macro in Outlook if I have to... OR can I do it at the Excel end before I embed it into the Outlook message.

The picture is a namedrange in Excel from which I create a .bmp file - and with the help of www.rondebruin.nl (btw. excellent articles on his website) I can embed the image in an Outlook message. Great. Now I manually have to right click on the image and resize it to 73% to make this work for me.

I just want to avoid the manual effort if I can... any assistance / guidance gratefully received.

I was embedding the pic from Excel into Outlook using...
With OutlookMsg
           .Subject = EmailTitle
           .HTMLBody = EmailMsg
           .To = ToMsg
           .CC = CCMsg
           .BCC = BCCMsg
End With

and have now found a way of altering the size prior to the message creation by altering the HTMLBody directly
"<img alt='' hspace=0 src='C:\Temp\picture.bmp' align=baseline 0rder=0>&nbsp;"
Now reads:
"<img alt='' hspace=0 src='C:\Temp\picture.bmp' width=1115 height=430 align=baseline 0rder=0>&nbsp;"

So in answer to my own question: the answer is change the pic before creating the Outlook message in Excel as oppose to trying to change it in Outlook once the email message has been created.