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Copy Specified Range of a Sheet to Another Sheet


Respected Sir

I have a data file where have so many data , I Want to Copy specified specified Range to select and copy to another sheet a xls file have been attached for reference where two sheet one is Data Sheet and is Result sheet i.e. I want to copy range through vba from data Sheet

Please share vba code so that I complete my job.

Thanks & Regards

Pabitra Roy


  • OUT12.xls
    92 KB · Views: 8
hmm ... if same file and something is hiding ...
then ... there is something which would be more clear.
Of course, I could start to guess,
but You should able to give clear rules.
The user needs to let be known if the "Result" sheet will have a header as he has indicated in the workbook provided. Also need to know if each "Criteria" will have it's own worksheet and Header.

vletm, hope you do not mind if I look at this.
I have a partial code completed.
However,I'll complete the code once the user lets us know
what he wants.
