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Copy entire row if date of birth match with todays date


I have customer database with date of birth in colour F, I have added conditional format if DOB
( only dd-mmm ) match with today then entire row is in red color.

I want to copy all such row in separate sheet as an when file open.

in short I want separate list of customer having today birthday from database.

e.g ........if DOB is 01-dec-1968 the entire row is in red colour 1st december every year.

Pls guide

Thanks for info..but how to select row which depends on conditional format.as date are changing every day as per DOB.
How did u match the dates with today, only dd-mm .i.e. how did u extract only dd-mm from dd-mm-yy & then did conditional formatting?

have apply below formula In conditional format


Format… [Fill colour RED]

If date of birth match with coloum F then entire row is in Red , i just want to auto copy all such red row to next sheet seperatly.
Hi Dingdang,

Please see the attached file. I think it meets your requirement. I had use VBA for achieving this.

If you had any particular doubt about the code, please tell.



  • Workbook1.xlsm
    56.2 KB · Views: 9
If you see the file I had attached I had use below formula to achieve the CF.


Considering the date of birth are in Column B.
