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Copy Columns from Multiple Worksheet to another Workbook with Matching Worksheets


Need a vba macro to open a Workbook (folder directory will also be the same but not the name of the workbook), copy multiple columns A:K in each worksheet and copy it to the activeworkbook.

I cant have the vba in the workbook that I need to copy from as this comes from someone else.

My workbook with always be named Supplier Master Price List.

The workbook will also come from
ChDrive "G:"
ChDir "G:\f\Pricing"


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Mod edit : thread moved to appropriate forum !
The thread that you sent me to consolidate into one worksheet I have asked for it to be copy into matching worksheets of another workbook
The thread that you sent me to consolidate into one worksheet I have asked for it to be copy into matching worksheets of another workbook

I understand, but it is basically the same code, like I said it always has slight variations each time it comes up.
If you wish, please upload a sample excel file and I will gladly take a look at it... it is simpler to give a targeted answer that way.