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Hello all out there,
I am in need of your help on covert number in english word, for reference i have attached a file in which i am trying to convert numbers which are in different currencies, into english words...
i hope someone from the big gurus will help me out on this.

thanks for your help.

K Regards


  • Convert numbers to english words.xlsx
    12 KB · Views: 6
Thank you very much Hui for your review to my request, i tried to find through search box but only find solution for indian rupee and most of the solutions are based only on single currency while i am look for multi currency solution.
i hope you will understand my situation and looking forward to your help...

You can wrap that solution in an If, Choose function or append a VLookup etc to the end to account for other currencies
i am really sorry Hui but I am not very advanced in excel and as long as linked you pasted to read does not gave me much clarity on the subject and excel file i could not download to understand this reference....
i really sorry to bother you again.
see attached file

Please add the Currency as Text to the cell not as a Number Format


  • Convert numbers to english words.xlsm
    23.8 KB · Views: 8
thanks for the solution Hui Sir, it's good for me to keep this for future use but currently i cant change my cell formatting to customs in my actual file this cell has the sum of invoices which we are paying in different currencies and we have huge payments to make every month cant change currency name manually and that's the whole idea to make this process automated....
sorry sir maybe i am asking too much
Hi Nadeem,
See if it helps...

You can change the currency from dropdown (D10)
Yellow Cells are helper cell for currencies.


I have not modified UDF, just applied simple formulas.


  • Convert numbers to english words.xlsm
    26.3 KB · Views: 9
There was mixing with "Only Cents Only"
Please update formula in D19 with this:

=SUBSTITUTE(IF(INT(E10)=E10,D10&" "&TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SpellCurr(E10),"Dollors",""),"Cents Only",""))&" "&VLOOKUP(D10,A10:B15,2,FALSE),D10&" "&TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SpellCurr(E10),"Dollors",""),"Cents Only",""))&" "&VLOOKUP(D10,A10:B15,2,FALSE)&" Only"),"Only Cents","Only")