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convert conditional formatting color to real color



I have a range of cells from "I4:BP300" contain cell color based on conditional formatting, is there any availability to convert this colors from conditional formatting color to real color via VBA to be able to count/sum it
1st:this rules based on formula
2nd: this sheet have 3 conditional formatting rules

Hi Hui,

I've read before, tried to apply what clarified more than one time but in vain, didn't get accurate outcomes, always give me "0" despite of applying the UDF in CF cells. I have despaired :confused:
is there any thing must be taken in consideration?

I use a formula to set the conditional formatting like this:

=IF(ISNUMBER($DA4),IF(ISNA(MATCH(E$1,IF(HeaderColumns="break",INDEX(TimingData,$DA4,0)),0)), IF(E$1>=INDEX(TimingData,$DA4,1),IF(E$1<IF(INDEX(TimingData,$DA4,COLUMNS(TimingData))=0,1,INDEX(TimingData,$DA4,COLUMNS(TimingData))),1,0),0),0),0)

so that i decide to take another path to convert the CF color to default to be able counted
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Hi ,

If you can upload your file , I can try ; however , you need to confirm whether this is a one-off exercise , or you will need to do this again and again.


this is the file that you are provide me with a help in CF function, but i surprised when i know the counting of default color and CF color isn't the same, try more than one solution but didn't find a straight UDF that help me in count/sum color
from the attached sheet in the below link
form sheet that called "Preview" setting up the CF
ask to sum and count the green color in each row

https://www.dropbox.com/s/ywytar3vzh7e69t/Conditional Formatting.xlsm


appreciate your great effort if you find a free time to provide me with a solution will help me to handle the above case as convert CF color to default to be able counting/summing it.
