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Consolidation of Task List

Hi Everyone,

I need a help on the below.

I have task list for each employee in separate sheet for each country.

They will update whether it is started, work-in-progress, pending or completed and they will have either specific tasks and some may have all tasks.

In the summary sheet, we should have consolidation as either completed (if all employees completed the task),Work-in-progress (even one employee is either not started,WIP though other employee has completed the task) and not started if none of the employees didnt started the task.

I have entered manually for first two rows.

Request team kind help.

Attached herewith excel sheet for kind perusal.


  • CHandoo_31May23.xlsx
    16.6 KB · Views: 2
The attached is not yet what you asked for, but it's work in progress (like some of your Task List tasks!). It's very much at the 'I just got it to work' stage.
It's a Power Query solution which is in its own workbook. It looks at the file you attached in your message, which doesn't need to be open.
There's lots to go wrong so it's very, very unlikely to work on your real data at the moment, which is why I suggest you try it either on the file you attached or a variation of that file that I attach here (I've added a bit of data for testing purposes; Task 11 India, a fully complete Task21).

The file Chandoo53529.xlsx has the Power Query in it. you will need to adjust the file path in cell B1 to point the query to where your file is on your system. Then you should be able to right-click somewhere in the results table (in green), and choose Refresh.

Is this a route worth pursuing?


  • CHandoo_31May23.xlsx
    17.8 KB · Views: 4
  • Chandoo53529.xlsx
    19.4 KB · Views: 2
The attached is not yet what you asked for, but it's work in progress (like some of your Task List tasks!). It's very much at the 'I just got it to work' stage.
It's a Power Query solution which is in its own workbook. It looks at the file you attached in your message, which doesn't need to be open.
There's lots to go wrong so it's very, very unlikely to work on your real data at the moment, which is why I suggest you try it either on the file you attached or a variation of that file that I attach here (I've added a bit of data for testing purposes; Task 11 India, a fully complete Task21).

The file Chandoo53529.xlsx has the Power Query in it. you will need to adjust the file path in cell B1 to point the query to where your file is on your system. Then you should be able to right-click somewhere in the results table (in green), and choose Refresh.

Is this a route worth pursuing?
Thank you so much.Let me know check on this.