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Connect Excel to Oracle

Hi ,

I have a Oracle database and I would like to connect excel with Oracle.
When I connect I get an error "ORA-12504: TNS: listener was not given the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA . Drivers SQLsetConnectAttr failed.".

Could you kindly let me know the steps to connect excel to Oracle database
You'd need to give more info than that.
What version of Oracle?
How are you trying to connect to Oracle from Excel? Via MS Query, PowerQuery, VBA, or some other method?

The error suggest issue with Service_Name. Looks like you didn't include it in the connection string.
Hi Chihiro,

I am trying to connect to Oracle using
Data --> From Other Data Sources --> From Microsoft Query --> Other Sources.
The version of database that I am using is Oracle database 12c enterprise edition.
The server name I used is qa-buick01-ss43.autozone.com.