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conditionally format a cell based on the adjacent cell's formula results


New Member
This is really frustrating me.

I thought this formula would be easy but for some reason, the conditional format is not working.

I have a range of cells (A1, B3)

The formula in B1 is a simple "if-then" such that if there is no text found, the result is ""


=IF(ISTEXT('G:Employee FoldersDeeScorecardsFY 2011[State Owned Density Pivot.xlsm]Original Data (2)'!R271),'G:Employee FoldersDeeScorecardsFY 2011[State Owned Density Pivot.xlsm]Original Data (2)'!R271,"")

I now want to conditionally format A:A using contents in B:B; specifically, "".

if the result in B cell is "" then highlight A cell.

It isn't working. Can anyone help with this? TIA
Hi deekarvois,

Select your range in column A and in CF use formula and enter


Then select the format you require