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conditional formatting



I formatted the cells in Column (C) according to certain values in column (A). Formatting was by changing cell fill. Now I want to calculate the values in column (B) which correspond to cells in column (C), but I want to exclude the colored cells from calculation. Notice that the conditional formatting changes by the change of values in column (A).

Any ideas for a good formula?

Firstly welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

Have you Formatted the Cells in Column C or Conditionally Formatted them?

Because there is a big difference

Thanks for the reply.

I formatted the cells in C conditionally according to the values in A. When the values in A change, the color of C cells change. I want to exclude those colored cells in C from calculation.

For conditional formatting I used the New rule choice and I went to (Use a formula to determine which cells to format) then I wrote =($C1="XXX").
What about using the same criteria in your sum

e.g. =SUMIFS(B2:B100,C2:C100,"<>xxx")

that is Sum Column B except where Col C = xxx
Thank you for that.

What I really want to do is to count the cells in B which are more than 0 and less than 7 except where col C = xxx. I tried this

=COUNT(b13:b38,c13:c38, "< > xxx")-COUNTIF(b13:b38,"<0.1")-COUNTIF(b13:b38,">7")

It did not work,

I tried

=COUNTIFS(b13:b38,c13:c38, "< > xxx")-COUNTIF(b13:b38,"<0.1")-COUNTIF(b13:b38,">7")

and it did not work.

It is a good challenge.

I just changed the formula as I realised I made a mistake
If you have blanks you'll need to change to



Thanks Hui, The second formula worked well. The first not.

Now what about if column C has two conditions xxx and yyy? Can I use

