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Conditional formatting - Warning signs for approaching deadlines


New Member
Hi everyone, to me this seems like a very difficult question but I am sure there must be the funtionality within Excel to be able to do this.

Essentially, I would like to track items that have gone out to the client which have not yet been returned. The items must be returned within 2 months and I have devised the following Excel structure to track it:

Cell A1 - Date sent to client

Cell B1 - Date returned from client

Cell C1 - Complete (A1 and B1 complete)/Awaiting client (Only A1 complete)

Cell D1 - Warning sign - Amber if B1 is not populated 30 days after the date in A1, Red if B1 is not populated 45 days after the date in B1.

I would presume D1 would involve conditional formatting based on the difference between the current date and date sent to client (A1), then >30 = amber, >45 = red.

I would be grateful for any advice on to whether this is possible or not and any tips on how this could be acheieved.


CF rule 1:


Format red

Rule 2:


Format amber

You want to make the higher number used in rule 1, otherwise, the amber format would be applied all the time (as 45 is greater than 30 still).
Ignore that last question, I have sorted it however, how can I copy the formula so it applies for A2 to D2/A3 to D3 etc. Thanks