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Conditional Formatting Multiple Formulas


New Member
Hi Excel Geniuses

I've attempted to create formulas here that reference texts in column H to fill the entire row

1. "Open" returns no fill for the entire row
2. "Complete" or "Complete *more text*" returns blue fill for the entire row
3. "In Progress" or "Awaiting *more text*" or "Review *more text*" or "Report *more text*" or "Ongoing" returns green fill for the entire row

Each time I think I've succeeded, something goes wrong i.e. "Complete" in column H returns green fill for entire row instead of blue.

Where am I going wrong?

Thank you,


  • ACTION SCHEDULE APRIL FEC Chandoo Draft.xlsx
    14 KB · Views: 2
Hey Mayhem,

Your formula in conditional formatting was incorrect, please find attached rectified sheet
Hi ,

This is Nebu's file with an added touch ; Chandoo has recently written about conditional CFs , and I thought it would add to your report.



  • ACTION SCHEDULE APRIL FEC Chandoo Draft.xlsx
    17.2 KB · Views: 16