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Conditional Formatting in List


New Member

Am having trouble working with conditional formatting in a table that has a growing row of data.

I want to highlight an entire row based on the value of a cell in that row. Like if A1 is "Yes", entire row become Green.

But I don;t have a definite number of rows, as the table expands every day as data is input.

Eveyrtime I set the conditions, they work fine, but as soon as I add another row of data, the formatting gets messy in the formula sheet.

Can someone help with this.


Initially, Applies to is set to


It automatically becomes as I add rows.


Also, I think it creates a new set of Conditions for every row I create.

So If I have like 8 Conditions for a row, every row I create, it adds 8 more conditions to that list, so if I add 7 rows, it does (7+1) * 8 conditions = 64 conditions.

I am worried that as rows increase, maybe 100 per month, the excel file will become corrupted and crash.

Is this possible?

Can you clear all the CF's

Then Reapply them to say Rows 1:x

where x is your last row

Then as you add data, insert it before Row x (The last row)

That way the CF's will change and just include

Now Row x doesn't have to have data in it, it is just the last row and can be blank