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Conditional Formatting for Dates in the Past


New Member
I am using Excel version 2007

I am trying to use conditional formatting to highlight cells with dates with different colors as they go further in the past. The following is what I am trying to accomplish:

If the date in the cell is between NOW and 180 days old = Green

If the date in the cell is between 180 days old & 240 days old = Orange

If the date in the cell is older than 240 days = Red

I have tried the formulas "cell value is less than NOW()-240", etc, and it just won't work for me. I've even tried putting them in different orders. If someone can help me I would be INCREDIBLY GRATEFUL and would almost entertain the idea of giving up my first-born for this answer.. almost. HELP!!

Firstly, Welcome to the Chandoo.org Forums

You need to add 3 Conditional Formats to the range, 1 for each color

Assuming that your Range is A1:A10

select A1:A10

Clear the existing CF's

Then add the 3 CF's


Select a Format Red

Stop if True not Ticked


Select a Format Orange

Stop if True ticked


Select a Format Green

Stop if True ticked

Apply the above

In the CF manager the last CF entered should be listed at the top

and the first CF listed above should be at the bottom