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Conditional Formatting Comparing Two Tabs


New Member
I am using a formula I've used many times before to compare two sheets (in the same file) with the same headers and same number of rows to identify changes A1<>Tab2A2 and nothing is formatting! Any tips?
can we see a sample spreadsheet
do you mean
NOTE the !

and you are comparing different rows ??
row 1 with row 2
I've cleared all formatting, changed all cells to formatting General. And nothing. I've used this to compare these exact same types of files multiple times in the past and suddenly it's not working.
try in a spare cell on the sheet
using the formula itself

=A3<>'EMDF 7.10.24 12.58pm'!A3 - BUT change the row to a known difference row

but choose the row where you know there are differences - do you get TRUE

a sample not working would help


  • condfrmt-not equal - ETAF.xlsx
    9.5 KB · Views: 1
try in a spare cell on the sheet
using the formula itself

=A3<>'EMDF 7.10.24 12.58pm'!A3 - BUT change the row to a known difference row

but choose the row where you know there are differences - do you get TRUE

a sample not working would help
I cannot share the file as it contains confidential information. But that is the exact formula and functionality that I use in the sample you sent. AND what has always worked for me. I'm wondering if I need to create a new file from scratch. It feels like maybe the file is corrupt in some way.
nothing was expected to be highlighted

I suggested just putting
=A3<>'EMDF 7.10.24 12.58pm'!A3
typed into a cell

- BUT change the row A3 to a known row where there is a difference
so if thats Row say 16
then type in a cell
=A16<>'EMDF 7.10.24 12.58pm'!A16

And you will get either TRUE or FALSE
if you know row 16 - DOES NOT match - then you are expecting to see TRUE in the cell
It was something to do with the file. I copied all the content from a new version of changes, into an old file (which exactly the same format, just different data) and it's working. Blech. Now I don't know what went wrong so I don't replicate it in the future. :( Thanks so much for your help!