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Conditional formatting calculated field pivot table 2007


Hi ar all guys

Someone is able to explain to me if at all is possible to apply conditional formatting to a calculated field withina pivot table, in the manner that when the table updates slso the consit form applied to the calcul field data do the same?? Till now only pure data field accept cond form, while looks like calc fields do not accept the cond formatting. Please help.

My best
Hi davecrt,

When you are conditional formatting, don't select range just like we do in a simple Table, point your cursor to the Column Labels of the Table so that you can see a Down Ward Arrow just above the field you want to format, now go the conditional formatting menu and do so. This way (hopefully) your problem will be solved.
hi faseeh

thnx for the reply, but that method looks like works for raw field, but not for a calculated one . are you able to employ that methodology with a calc field in excel pp table?
Hi davecrt,

I just downloaded sample file from Contextures and conditionally formatted the Calculated Field, last few lines in the database has been added by me. Please add some more lines in and check whether it works accordingly or not.


  • CalculatedFieldSimple.xlsx
    25.6 KB · Views: 12
Hi Faseeh

Really weird. In your file looks like the methodology work also for calculated field, while in my file it looks like not. At home i have 2010 version, so i have to check in the office if could be a problem of ex version. What version did you employed to apply this methodology? 2007?

Thnx again
Problem found. the methodology was good. But if you choose the last option "employ a formula to determine cells to format", and then you employ, for instance, this condition ">0", then i do not why it takes the condition like text, and as consequence do not utilize it as formulas, but as text..

Weird. But solution found. Thanks Faseeh