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Conditional formating to show its nearly time to renew or your time is up!


New Member
Good Afternoon Guru's & Ninja’s

This is my first Post (probably not my last!) I would start this of all innocent like, but I won’t. I do have some experience in excel and have done a 2 day course in VBA but seeing as there is no-one to mentor me at the moment I have forgotten some of it (probably the key bits!!). Anyway to my Request for help. I trying to create some Conditional formatting that will alert me when something expires. For instance in my work there are licences, Which have a life. Firstly I apply for it (90 days prior) then confirm it (10 days before it starts). I then want to monitor it for when it expires. (That’s the story!)

My sheet is like this:- Job Nr | start date | stop date | job information

I would like the date cells to turn colour in a gradient from green (in date) to red (out of date) (standard selection in 3-color scale) I’m thinking this can use the today () formula, but I've tried and tried but unable to get the syntax correct? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated

(I have searched, apologies if I didn’t find the post that has already answered this )
Hi Indian,

Yes stop date is the same as expiry date. sorry.

These cells should turn to appropriate colour as the stop date approaches.

i.e. green to yellow greater than 90 days to 11, then yellow to Red from 10 days to current date (once the current date has been reached it will remain red) thats the intention anyway.

hope this helps


Many times the VBA solution is obsolete. Why don't you use just conditional formatting?



Don't forget to set up proper formatting that will warn you.
aaaa. missed your latest post. If you want a color scaling, then input formula to new column, like =A1-today() and then set up color scaling conditional formating
Wintermute, Thanks for the comment !. this is what I'm trying to do. but cannot get the syntax correct. This is why I'm asking for the correct syntax. you are answering my post with too much asumption that I know what I'm doing (sorry if i came across like that :)
you can check few minutes earlier topic about conditional formating for minutes, seconds, everything necessary is there
WELL! You all let me down. ! :(

I got the answer elsewhere.

i now have what i need thanks anyway.

bye for now.

On Public blogs it is common courtesy to advice that you have cross posted your problem elsewhere.

Please do this in future !!!
@Hui (what does the @ do ?)

Sorry wasnt aware of that Im new to pulbic blogs etc. my apologies i will in future advise you all on here whenever that happens again. Obviously it wont now.


It's just a way of designating who you are intending a response to be for, rather than towards the thread. Read with the symbol, can mean "Aimed at Sleek". It doesn't serve a purpose in the technical sense. You can also just do a regular greeting like:

Hi Sleek,



Also, since the answer was given somewhere else, would you mind posting a link so any future searchers will be able to find the answer, avoiding this scenario:

@ Sleek, showing some respect dosen't cost, in this world of "nothing is free", we should appreciate the great support we get here.
Indeed, "nothing is free" in this world.

I do respect those who help others on these forums, This particular avenue I find myself wandering is full of assistance of which I am very appreciative I can assure you.