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Conditional cell formatting if value changes!


Hello all,

Good afternoon. I have a set of cell values from B2:H10 i.e. say like bullion market data which imported from internet. If some cell value changes up or down from the previous value, how can I conditional-format them without using VBA. If it is possible by using a formula in conditional formatting, what is the best possible code for that? Thank you for all for your efforts.

Hi kchiba,

No, the data keeps on changing and old data will be replaced by the new data in that particular cell. No question of keeping the any data anywhere. I want it get highlighted just for my eye-catch. I tried "Track changes" but that's not what I wanted. And even I am not sure of using Circular reference with conditional formatting etc etc. Any other ideas?? Thank you.
Hi, rkspeaks!

First of all, the event allegedly supposed to be used (worksheet change) is only triggered by a manual input in the cells, not by copy & paste operations or downloads or web queries. So there's no way to do it without VBA.

In the case that you have the original data in 1st worksheet, the updated data downloads in same exact range in 2nd worksheet, there you'd be able to use a simple CF condition but... only for detecting changes after an update, then before the next update you should run a procedure that moves the data from 2nd worksheet to 1st one or do it manually.

Hi, rskpeaks!
Then no way if you don't have at the same time both the old and the new data... Excel was developed by the half-dumb Redmond Guys, not by magicians.