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Concatenate acting funky


I was recently upgraded to Excel 2010 so maybe that's why I can't figure this out, but I have 2 columns that contain address information. Column A is 123 Stone Street. Column B is Apt. #4. I want Column C to comibine them into one cell: 123 Stone Street Apt. #4.

I tried =concatenate(A1,B1) and the results literally said: =concatenate(A1,B1)

Help? How do I get it to actually perform the function?
You mean, C1 is displaying this (=a1&" "&b1) instead of 123 Stone Street Apt. #4.? if yes, please disable viewing the formulas(Excel menu - Formulas - Show formulas).

If I am wrong, please post a sample file to analysis further.

=a1&b1 will do the same as what concatenate(A1,B1) will do.

To add a space between two address I used this (&" ")
Hi Hayley,

Try this if Dhamo's suggestion doesn't work out.

1. See how the cell has been formatted by pressing CTRL + 1

2. If it is set to 'TEXT' then change it to 'GENERAL'.

3. Then press F2 followed by ENTER.