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complex IF statement



How can I create a function/formula in this case:

If either values of 35.54 or 45.54 show up, it should be subtract to 0.94.


I realize that this function is incorrect,so how can I create the right function which follow the sentence mentioned?

Hope you all can help me :(
Hi ,

When you say "show up" , do you mean that some cell gets this value ? If I assume that , say , the cell G7 gets this value ; suppose I also assume that in case G7 gets this value , this formula will be in cell B13 ; then B13 will have this formula :


This by itself will do the following :

1. If G7 = 35.54 , then B13 will have the value 35.54 - 0.94 = 34.6

2. If G7 = 45.54 , then B13 will have the value 45.54 - 0.94 = 44.6

3. If G7 has any other value , then B7 will have the value FALSE ; this is because the IF statement has not specified what should happen if the OR function returns a FALSE value i.e. the IF statement does not have a third parameter.

Hi everyone..

Problem 1 know already. Then, 2nd problem coming..

I had tested in OR statement,its logical numbers limit if I not mistaken only 44 logical expression. Next logical the expression seems like ignore/no function. My logical expression is so so many at my office task...start from 0.54,1.54,2.54........1219.54

So, how can I include all these numbers into logical expression if it limit only 44 expression?

This is my example statement.


J1 to J100: 0.98,1.98......100.98

If there is any suggestion about changing the simple better statement or whatever is good for me to tackle this problem.

Thanks & Regards

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Can you give us some more details of what your trying to do

I suspect that doing something like

=If(Right(Text(cell ref, "#.00"),2)=98, Do something, Do something else)

may be more applicable
Hi ,

Let us assume the following :

1. You have a list of values 0.98 , 1.98 , 2.98 ,..., 100.98 in the range J1:J101.

2. You have a constant value in D6 , say 0.94.

3. You have a variable value in B5 , which can be any value from within the list J1:J101 or any other value too.

4. Your formula is in say G5 :


Hi Hui,

Your equation was nice simple.I'm interested to know. However, when I tried it,its the problem.Maybe I don't know much this function doing.

=IF(RIGHT(TEXT(B9, "#.98"),2),B9-D6)

Variable Value


Constant Value


A9: Result with formula

For instance, when I enter the value in column Variable value(let say B9) and that value is any values.

Then, A9 which has the formula will detect that B9 has #.98 value and it will subtract 0.98, and the balance of the value remain in B10 for example. My problem is I have many many fixed values which I mentioned(0.98 to 1219.98),so when I use OR function, it has the limit of the logicals. Therefore, it come trouble for me to key in many kind of fixed value that I have.

Hopefully you understand..Thanks alot guys!!
Hi Narayan,

I tried your statement..however seems like not follow the execute when I key in start from 50.98 up in B5. Here attached file for your further details.

You left out the =98 part

try this

=IF(RIGHT(TEXT(B9, "#.98"),2)="98",B9-D6,"Not .98")
Hi ,

The problem was the values in column G were not numeric.

I entered 0.98 in G5 , 1.98 in G6 , and dragged down till G165.

The formula gave the expected result.
