Hi Luke, I could chase the crashing problem and nailed down to some extent, but want to discuss is this the same err you are getting or
Crashing Issue Root Cause with today's template.
(please use yesterday template to re-pro crashing issue, as I have changed few things in new template attached)
Repro steps:
1. Run the Publish DefectSet as usual
2. Change the status of DefectId: RS-P02 from
Open to
Ready To Test and similarly for few other rows for RS, ETR, CRM sources status in DefectsPriority tab, and save the tab after changes as we are highlighting with yellow as per our req.(This is one example to repro)
3. Then run the DP/SourceSync to have the updates
reflected back to source tabs.
4. Then run the Publish DefectSet again to have the latest data from source tabs.
Now this is crashing with following 1004 err with out error trace.
Source of the problem: I think I have included additional rows earlier after the table in RP Prod Defects tab
to make sure to copy rows working or not
These outside table rows are creating problem If I understnad, pl see the screenshot here
If you take out these rows 27 to 30 in RS Prod Defects tab you don't get above crashing.
I suspect this is the issue, let me know what you think.
Some times it is possible accidentally rows will be inserted after a table in a tab and above is one of the example.
However if u think we can not solve this problem, we can live with work around by not having any rows outside table or we can have rows only with out table in any source tabs.
Please let me know on this resolution, or if you have encountered the crashing in a different way.
Apart from above crashing problem, I want to verify with you few enhancements as below:
Enhancement1: I have added additional column in Super Admin tab WS Source in Publish table.
The purpose of this table is bring the Ws Source values accordingly in
Master Data and Defects Priority tabs for Source Column Data values.
Also the Defects Priority Master Filer
Select By Source values will get changed I believe with this enhancement
and Dashboard Source filter values as well.
This will give more granularity as we will now have unique WS Source, so that we know from where the data is exactly flowing from.
in the past we have same code for two types of record sets, now we can distinguish easily with this enhancement.
Please let me know if we can change this.
Requirement1: Now we are dependent on Ticket / Defect Id # unique value in our resync proc.
Need to make sure we have unique value check for all Ticket / Defect Id at some point and I think this would be before Copy rows.
In any tab if we have duplicate Ticket / Defect Id# we need to convert the duplicate value to the defect Id to be appended with Defect Id-02 or any other suggested way(this should happen if we have for example Defect Id-1 occurs two times) Please let me know on this.
Requirement2: Similar to above what if we have blank value for Ticket / Defect Id #, this will create an issue as we are dependent on unique Ticket / Defect Id. I think we dont have this check but remind me if we have this.
So in case if we have blank Ticket / Defect Id # in any tab then we need to run a macro to add in sequence with format "WS Source-NTN-01" (For example if we dont have ticket value in CRM Prod Defects for row4 then macro should add CRM-Prod-NTN-01)
Also a note I had moved the DP/Source Sync button to left hand side on Super Admin for your ref.
Please let me know your understanding on these enhancement and requirements to be on same page with implementation.
Appreciate your great support on building these feature set.