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Comparing two spreadsheets for differences

Hi Stacy ,

Thanks. I'll see how soon I can understand what has been done , so that I can then get down to seeing where the problem lies.

Hi Stacy ,

If you ask me , the first thing I would do is to set right the names in both the rosters ; I am uploading a file which contains the names of players from both the rosters , copied to two separate sheet tabs , which I have named accordingly.

If you see , one of the tabs has 5654 names which are not present in the other roster , while the other one has 3396 names which are not present in the first. These are mostly spelling differences ; thus :

Acosta Luis ------------ Acosta Luis Enrique

Acosta Mayo ---------- Acosta Mayobanex

Adduci Jim ------------- Adduci James

Doing any kind of data processing on such data is , in my opinion , not warranted.



  • Mistakes_in_Rosters.xlsx
    983 KB · Views: 9
It's not the names I'm worried about updating, it's player ratings from the updated roster which start at column Z and go through column EQ. I was able to do this fine last year after getting those macros but now the macros won't work.
Hi ,

It's good to know that accuracy does not matter.

Please suggest what fields will need to be used to ensure that we are accessing the same player's records in both files ; will the first name alone do , will the last name alone do , or will other combinations be needed ?

1. Are you interested in retrieving data from the obsl_rosters file for records in the updated_rosters file ?

2. Are you interested in retrieving data from the updated_rosters file for records in the obsl_rosters file ?

3. Or both of the above ?

Essentially, all the data is needed because I need to line up the duplicate players from both files beside each other but they need to stay in their respective files because I will take data from the updated_rosters file and transfer it to the obsl_rosters file. But I need to be sure that I am transferring the correct data to the correct players. And I also need the non-duplicate players in each file sorted beneath the duplicates so I can also work with their data later. I hope this makes sense. Thanks.
Hi Stacy ,

I am sorry but your explanation is , shall I say , not enough.

I have specifically asked :

If I have a player X in the obsl_rosters file , how do I match X with the list of players in the updated_rosters file , so that , to quote you :
to be sure that I am transferring the correct data to the correct players.
The best way to match them would be to compare their names and then their birthdays. If the names are similar and the birthdates are the same, then they are the same player. Thanks.
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Hi, sborah99!
I think I'm the author of the original macros, but you should post the whole file (data and code) besides describing in detail your new requirement.
SirJB7, I did post them in message #51. I posted the two files you wrote with the macros last year and the new files I am trying to use your macros in. Thanks.
Hi, sborah99!
Ok, I'll climb up and check what's there in the highlands. And try to guess where is the new issue definition :)