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Comparing prices that have changed


New Member
I need to compare two datasets - product pricing from 2010 and compare it to today's existing prices. Each is listed on separate spreadsheets but can be easily combined into a single spreadsheet (however, there are more than 7,000 prices to compare). My desire is to run a monthly report where I can show which part numbers (with their new prices). Not all 7,000 prices have changed (I estimate 200). Also, not all 7,000 part numbers are ordered every month. My initial thinking is to perform a VLOOKUP. Are there any thoughts on the best way to accomplish my objective and allow me to do so on a monthly basis? Thank you.
I'd combine the two tables

so that each item is in a row

One Column for Old Price, One Column for new price

Add a Column for Price Difference

Take it all into a Pivot table

Filter to only show records where Difference is > 0

Sort by Product, Product Category or Date etc
Comparing prices that have changed why because product price changing regular basis. For more information visit "AltiusCompare.com".


Doesn't look like spam what you posted?

if I'm_wrong=true then I_apologize else stop_spamming endif